Sisu Ukraine ry was conceived from a genuine will to help and support the people of Ukraine as a
result of the hideous attack of Russia on the sovereign state of Ukraine.
We Finns remember the stories and testimonials of our grandparents from what it was like during
WW II, when Soviet Union unlawfully attacked Finland. Hence, we as a people can relate to what
the Ukrainian people is going through at this very moment, and Sisu Ukraine ry was founded to
give an opportunity for the Finnish people to help Ukraine in an organized and safe way.
Thanks to the wide network of professional contacts both in Finland and in Ukraine, Sisu Ukraine ry has the capability to channel material and aid in an organized and safe way, from purchasing the needed material and aid, to transporting it safely to the Ukrainian border. But also, to ensure that the aid reaches the defined recipient in Ukraine.
The aid Sisu Ukraine is focusing on is partly humanitarian aid, partly defense equipment and
material. Whether it is humanitarian aid or defense equipment, it is imperative that everything we
do is done “by the book”, completely legally and as well organized as ever possible.